Monday, November 24, 2014

Draft 3

In the last few drafts I have been arguing why college athletes should be paired fairly. However, there are a few counter arguments that can be made on the topic of paying college athletes. When talking to people that believe that college athletes should not get paid the argument that I hear most often is that these athletes already receive scholarships for a free education to there universities. So if you think about it, assuming that they stay all four years of college, these athletes are getting sometimes over a hundred thousand dollars. So, if these athletes were to be paid an extra amount that it would be pretty unfair to other students that may work just as hard as these athletes and do not get any sort of scholarship money from the university.
            Another major argument that could be made is that it would be almost impossible to fairly regulate how athletes are going to be paid. For years there has been two main sports that bring in the NCAA all the money that they receive. But, it would be unfair for the NCAA to only pay the athletes of these sports. Also there are five major conferences that bring in the major money for the NCAA. But, just as it would be unfair to pay only the basketball and football players, it would be unfair for the NCAA to pay the athletes of these five conferences. It would be very difficult for the NCAA to regulate the amount the athletes should get paid because of these reasons. Major universities would argue that there athletes should be paid more and the smaller universities would argue that this is unfair which would just make things worse than they already are.
            Both of these arguments are very good ones and definitely have a negative effect on why I think college athletes should be paid. The first argument is fair and pretty good, however, I think the second one effects the argument of paying college athletes a little bit more. If you look at the statistics over the last decade they show that on average athletes make the NCAA and there universities is way more than what they receive with the scholarship money that they get. The argument that it would be difficult for the NCAA to regulate how the athletes get paid is one that I personally agree with. That being said I think that the NCAA is smart enough to come up with some kind of process of paying each and every one of their athletes fairly no matter what sport or what university that they attend.

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