Monday, November 24, 2014

Draft three

Even though it is known that the military doesn’t get paid enough for the work they do, one might believe that because they get so many extra benefits the budget should be left alone.  Along with guaranteed pay, the military receives housing assistance, clothing assistance (for the many required uniforms), medical insurance, dental care, and other extras that come along with deployments. When they get stationed in a different state or country they don’t have to pay travel costs and they get help moving all of their things. Many of these aren’t added into the annual income statistics because they aren’t received as cash income. The work factory men do is also considered dangerous, and worthy of good pay. Both works are important on the macro and micro levels, in the economy and at home. Another benefit not added into cash income is the bill that allows the service member and potentially their families to go to college for little or even no costs. Getting an education these days is almost priceless (while still being extremely pricey) and very necessary. Many people might believe that we already spent too much money on war efforts and that the national budget is already way too high. Working in a factory comes with very long work days with many hours on your feet. Most of the time they end up working 3rd shift for some period of their lives, which cuts out a lot of time for family and friends. To really, really succeed in a factory job the person will have to stick with it for many years, sometimes all the way until they stop working. Fixing the budget would cause many other problems, not just good.

It is true that the military gets perks, just as much as it’s true that they deserve those perks. Knowing the benefits doesn’t change the fact that they are volunteering their lives to protect the country we all live in. In order to be persuasive the reader must not side with the military, or believe the work they do is as important as the work of factory jobs. The argument I posed is still very true and more persuasive because there are many factors that help it out, mostly the emotional appeal. The counter argument only has logical appeal, dealing with the nation’s budget. Most of the country today is still very patriotic and believes in the good of the military. 

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