Monday, November 10, 2014

katherine lampman post 1

            The article I analyzed in my previous drafts spoke of the high amount of student debt in America and how it is negatively affecting our overall economy. Once these graduates get the degree they worked on for years, they spend double the amount of time paying it back. The article speaks on how high the cost of higher education is and also the importance of obtaining it. I cannot truly argue that the large amount of student debt isn’t affecting the overall economy, because I believe that it is. However, I can argue and present the ideas on how to make student debt smaller and I can also add personal experience to these ideas. I agree with most aspects of this article, however, I feel the author assumes that all students must obtain student loans to receive a higher education that they later have to drown in. The author leaves out the options of grants, union work(ups, Kroger, etc.), and scholarship opportunities.

 I think I can make a good argument on the large amount of UPS locations across America and how it can actually pay for your entire education. Being a UPS union worker myself, I can shed personal light and add appealing language to this opportunity. Also, being a scholarship recipient and attending a college prep school, I think I could make an argument on the large amount of scholarship opportunities obtainable in the U.S. and how they can make the burden of a lifetime that much smaller. I can also speak on the billions of scholarship opportunities offered by many different universities, such as UofL. There is no way to fully get rid of the student debt in America, but individually, we can lessen it and ultimately bring the economy out of debt by giving people the money they earned to put back into our economy rather than back to debt.

 “Available in 51 UPS locations across the nation, the Education Assistance program is just one way we aim to help employees make their world work better – by attaining their education and career goals… (the students) earn $5,250 in assistance per calendar year with a lifetime maximum of $25,000” (United Parcel Services of America Website). This is enough money to obtain the degree desired by these students and to avoid the burden of paying it off that can last a lifetime. 


  1. I thought this paper was really well written and it really caught my attention. This writing points out things that a lot of people deal with all over the nation! Putting your own personal experiences in it makes the paper even more interesting. You had some really good points and ideas!

  2. This paper was very well written. The quote really went well with your topic and points of emphasis. Your beliefs about how we cannot eliminate college debt in america but can change it are well thought out. This paper has a lot of potential to be a solid extended essay. Good job.

  3. I believe also in the point you are making, that there is opportunity for you if you actively go out and seek it. You are very good at presenting both sides of an argument and this breeds conversation. After reading this you could really have an interesting debate one way or another.
