Monday, November 17, 2014

Military Budget 2

Military Budget 

Think about your military. What do they really do? There's a lot more to the job of a troop than most people know know. The things our military branches do for the United States are well beyond what the media portrays. Why aren't they getting the benefits they deserve in the upcoming year? Why are they cutting back on troops that still wish to be in service? The new 2015 military budget is the reason. The budget cut plans to change many things about what the military is currently. It will also change the way the families of troops live. 
The changes include commissary discounts, insurance, caps on promotion pay and housing cuts. These are only a few things that will affect the lives of families who have troops still in service. What about the families who depend on a troop who may be getting kicked out now? What will they do? The budget for the military needs to stay the same due to these factors. Not only will it be affecting the families. Troops need to be held at high numbers to keep up with on-going crisis in the middle east. So government officials aren't taking the crisis seriously which could be a danger to America.
There is also the weakening of readiness with the budget cuts. Field training is very important within the military especially with the Army and Marines being the dominant force on foot. The budget will now make it harder for units to train well for deployments and pay our troops along with provide the weapons and skills training. 
This budget should not be cut, funds from other economic points in America should be cut. The Defense of the United States is far too sensitive to be compromised even more.

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