I say food should be the right of the consumer. Everyone deserves the basic right to food. And that food shouldn't be altered. But if anyone wants to eat altered food, be my guest. What I think is more reasonable, though, is that people should decide for themselves what they want to eat. They should be given the accurate facts of what is in their food to help their decision become an easier one. There is a solution to this-- even though many people, namely politicians, think there isn't. It is called labeling. Of course I want to know if my food is not natural. I want to know what are the differences between GMOs and non-GMOs, and more importantly what each will do to my body. I want to be able to make that decision on my own. Not some person telling me it's okay, when it very well could not be "okay".
Unfortunately, we aren't given this most basic right.
Quoted from this article: "Prior to being the Supreme Court Judge who put G.W. in office, Clarence Thomas was Monsanto's lawyer. The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture (Anne Veneman) was on the Board of Directors of Monsanto's Calgene Corporation. The Secretary of Defense (Donald Rumsfeld) was on the Board of Directors of Monsanto's Searle pharmaceuticals. The U.S. Secretary of Health, Tommy Thompson, received $50,000 in donations from Monsanto during his winning campaign for Wisconsin's governor. The two congressmen receiving the most donations from Monsanto during the last election were Larry Combest (Chairman of the House Agricultural Committee) and Attorney General John Ashcroft. (Source: Dairy Education Board)"
This shows the political ties Monsanto, a successful bio-tech company, has with the government, and also enlightens us as to why it is so easy to happen. It makes sense to us why the FDA doesn't have to approve anything for our well-being because they are more concerned with paying back debts. Because this is all what it comes down to. The government wants to pay back its debts that it took from Monsanto and they find that the only possible way to do this is by lying to us about what is in our food, how our food us made, and stopping other companies from truthfully labeling their products. If its not because politicians took money from Monsanto, its because the present politicians worked for Monsanto in the past and want to make their company get stronger.
Is this right? Is there no other solution? If you ask me, there is one, like I said before. And it's pretty simple. Label foods and give me the right to whatever I want to eat.
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