Friday, November 14, 2014

Reading for 11/14: Devestating Beauty

This article, in my opinion is a well-written one focusing on just how bad media glamorize the body that is largely impossible to have. She uses many facts and statistics (logos) to first clearly explain why this is wrong while tying everything into an effective emotional appeal by using words like "victims" (Pfeifer, par. 4), "insidious" (Pfeifer, par. 4) and "tragic" (Pfeifer, par. 5). She makes the introductory paragraph hit close to home by describing a model in her point of view. This was a good strategy to use because it presents the situation in her eyes, and by reading it we, the readers, will ultimately picture what she is describing as well. At least I did. She makes her claim that to fix this problem, we should boycott buying magazines that depict women in this way. What makes her argument that much more believable is the fact that she uses more than one precedent of when boycotting was successful. This reminds me of a Victor Hugo quote where he says: "An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come". If we really tried, nothing can stop us from making a difference like Rosa Parks, Cesar Chavez, and their respective followers did.

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